
Grow your company with Denmark's leading B2B LeadMotor®️

A validated method for B2B companies wishing to increase sales through an integrated sales and marketing process.

Hvad er LeadMotor®?

Watch the video and discover how we help B2B companies increase sales through a structured marketing and sales process. Our method has been continuously optimized and perfected over the years - we call it LeadMotor®️.

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    Relevante B2B-leads
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    More sales meetings
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    Complete insight into key figures

Get a reliable forecast of the results you can expect from a LeadMotor®️ partnership.

Det lyder godt alt sammen, men hvad kan jeg forvente at få ud af samarbejdet? Vi er glade for, at du spørger, for din ROI er altafgørende for os. Derfor laver vi en ROI-beregning forud for ethvert samarbejde, og vi er også klar på at lave en for dig og din specifikke case. Det er helt uforpligtende, og du kommer i gang ved at booke dit strategimøde her. 

Join the club

Your team of LeadMotor® specialists

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    Partnering with us means having your own, dedicated team of LeadMotor® specialists. The more our relationship is personal, the deeper our understanding of your company, enabling us to provide more effective and tailored solutions.
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    LeadMotor®️ specialists are digital business developers with a deep understanding of how marketing create leads that yield sales, and how this plays together with sales processes of B2B companies.
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    All our LeadMotor®️ specialists are trained and well-versed in business understanding, B2B marketing and technology, ready to handle even the most complex B2B cases.
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    Transparency is a fundamental value at LeadMotor®️. For this reason, you'll always have full and direct access to all key figures and reports, along with regular progress meetings. Additionally, we'll always be available for sparring.
How to get started

Din vej til øget B2B-salg

Book your strategy meeting today

We'll be elaborating on the whole LeadMotor®️ process at the strategy meeting, while also carrying out a revenue forecast, so you know the potential for your company. If both parties see potential in the collaboration, a project proposal will be sent to you.

Opstart & workshops

When an agreement has been reached, you'll be assigned a LeadMotor®️ team. Together you'll set the dates for workshops, which exist to give your LeadMotor®️ specialists the required insight into your company and market. This will lay the foundation for your LeadMotor®️ strategy.  

Setting up your LeadMotor®

In this phase, content will be created for your LeadMotor®️ to cater to the entire journey of your leads. It's also during this time that your LeadMotor®️ software and automations will be setup and configured, readying everything to go live. 

Going live!

When setup is completed, a kick-off meeting will be held where your new LeadMotor®️ setup will be presented. We'll then go live, and your LeadMotor®️ team will from this point on work systematically to ensure maximum performance.

Let's zoom in on the opportunities that are in store for your company.

Book a strategy meeting with Martin today and learn how you can be succesful with a LeadMotor®️.